Mr. Guilt is No Longer Welcomed

So, instead of doing the laundry, or cleaning the dishes I feel lead to write about MOM GUILT! Let me be honest! Yesterday was one of those days for me. We woke up, ate breakfast, and as I was getting Olivia dressed I really noticed how much of a toddler she looks like; pigtails and all. At that moment I started to tear up. Where has my baby gone? Then Mr. guilt appeared and started asking me all these questions. Hey mom,”did you give enough your baby enough mama snuggles? Did you read to her enough? Did you give her enough attention and soak up every moment of the day with her. Also, mom do you rely on screen time a liiiiiiittle tooooo much these days?” STOOOOOP! We all need to just stop torturing ourselves with these meaningless questions and thoughts.

Those questions we ask ourselves are really us questioning our ability as a mom. My friends, that is not okay! We are amazing moms.

We are robbing ourselves from actually enjoying time with our precious angels. Not every moment is going to be fun, exciting, or easy. And you know what? That is okay! We do not have to enjoy every moment because you know what friends? Life is not always fun and easy. But man, when those fun moments come and you see this new stage in their life let’s not let Mr. Guilt creep into our thoughts. Let’s tell Mr. Guilt he is no longer welcomed and enjoy this new stage in life without looking back and wondering, “Did do enough XYZ…”.

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